The River Tweed Commission (formerly the River Tweed Commissioners charged under the Tweed Fisheries Acts of 1857, 1859 and 1969) is charged under The Scotland Act 1998 (River Tweed) Order 2006 to do such acts, execute such works and incur such expenses as appear to it to be expedient for the protection and improvement salmon and freshwater fisheries, and the preservation, increase and stocking of those fisheries in the River Tweed and its tributaries, and in particular with the regulation of fisheries, the removal of nuisances and obstructions and the prevention of illegal fishing. The area of jurisdiction extends five miles out to sea and includes the coastline between Cockburnspath and Holy Island. Powers are granted to the Commission to help fulfill these duties.
The R.T.C. is the only "Fishery Board" charged with the general preservation and increase of trout and other freshwater fish, as well as Salmon and Sea Trout. The The Scotland Act 1998 (River Tweed) Order 2006 extends the R.T.C.'s general responsibilities to include these species and, as a consequence, extends the representation on the controlling Commission to include persons representing the interests of freshwater fishing associations and clubs and of other persons concerned with the use of the waters of the River Tweed.
“The Early Days of The River Tweed Commissioners” by Caroline Balfour. This book can be downloaded here or a hard copy can be purchased from the RTC price £10 inclusive of post a packing; all proceeds go to the Tweed Foundation at the request of the author. Order a copy.
The Tweed Foundation is a Charitable Trust which was set up by the former River Tweed Commissioners in 1983 to promote the development of Salmon and Trout stocks in the Tweed River System.
The Foundation is regarded as being at the forefront in bringing a more professional, scientific approach to salmonid management. It is engaged in an extensive programme of biological research, stock monitoring and habitat enhancement with the aim of protecting Tweed's valuable fish stocks and maximising the river's natural productivity.
The Foundation's affairs are regulated by a board of Trustees. The River Tweed Commission's Chairman is also automatically Chairman of the Foundation. Funding of the Tweed Foundation's activities has comes from a variety of sources: contributions from the R.T.C., membership, donations (from private individuals and other charities, etc.) and through various grants - most notably from the European Union's Objective 5(b) programme (from 1993-1999), Scottish Natural Heritage, the Heritage Lottery Fund and most recently the North Sea Region Programme (2009-2013).