River Tweed Commission

Established by Order under an Act of Parliament to protect the fish stocks in the Tweed River System


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Tweed Angling Codes

It is very important that good practice is observed by all those who fish on the River so that everyone has the opportunity to quietly enjoy their sport. The River Tweed Commission, Proprietors and Angling Clubs on Tweed are keen that this is achieved by voluntary agreement as much as possible. Some regulations are bound by law and others have been agreed upon by common consent and together form the Codes. Please read these rules and abide by them.

In recent years there has been occasional bad angling practice in some locations which has resulted in fish being foul hooked; this is illegal. If you are unsure what is illegal fishing, please watch the film below.

Code for Salmon and Sea Trout Fishing (unfolded A4 version)

Code for Salmon and Sea Trout Fishing (folded version for printing)

Guidance for Spinning

Code for Spring Salmon

Code for Grayling Fishing

Code for Trout Fishing

Established by order under The Scotland Act 1998 (River Tweed) Order 2006
